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Gala Dinner

Let the Experts help you.


We're here to help!

What we do for your
Gala Dinner?

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We Conceptualize

Whether you are planning an Awards Night, a Charity Gala Dinner, or an Annual Conference Gala, we will plan the entire conceptualization of your dinner event to bring a lasting memory to your guests.

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We Entertain

From Live Bands to Emcees, Magicians to Dancers, no Gala Dinner will be boring. We have a wide range of entertainment to keep your guests entertained throughout the dinner.

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We Coordinate

Having experienced show callers is vital to a successful Gala Dinner in Singapore. Our coordinators are well experienced in handling all kinds of situations on the ground.

Our Gala Dinner Clients

5 Types of Gala Dinners
in Singapore

Anniversary Gala Dinner

Celebrating a company's milestone anniversary with a formal gala dinner that features speeches, entertainment, and recognition of employees' contributions helps to bring your team together to greater heights

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Collection of Trophies

Awards Gala Dinner

A Gala Dinner centred around recognizing and awarding employees for their achievements to the company, accompanied by speeches and presentations.

Charity Gala Dinner

A philanthropic gala dinner event where proceeds from the dinner, auctions and donations go toward a charitable cause. This blends your corporate social responsibility with an elegant evening dinner.

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Product Launch Gala

A high profile event where you can launch your new product or service, often inviting media, influencers / KOLs, and key stakeholders to generate excitement and buzz during the gala dinner.

Festive Gala Dinner

Held during festive seasons like Christmas, Lunar New Year or Deepavali, these gala dinners combine cultural celebrations with corporate recognition within the company for your annual dinner.

Festive Venue

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